Charlie Brittain and Milan Tomášik




Indefinite Frequency is a dynamic and immersive dance-concert, performed by three dancers and four percussionists. The audience is invited on a journey of ever-changing constellations, which sees the trio of dancers traverse and navigate a dynamic spectrum of movement qualities and states.

Choreography: Charlie Brittain and Milan Tomášik

Performers: Charlie Brittain, Endi Schrotter and Milan Tomášik

Music: Mozaiki 1 and Mozaiki 2 by Franci Krevh, Doll's House Story by Ištvan Marta, Postludes for Bowed Vibraphone by Elliot Cole

Music performed by: Slovenski tolkalni projekt (Matevž Bajde, Tomaž Lojen, Franci Krevh, Luka Jahn as guest)

Lighting Design: Aljaž Zaletel

Production: Društvo Slovenski tolkalni projekt and KUD Cortesia

Co-production: Pan-Adria