Giovanni Leonarduzzi and Lia Claudia Latini
Starting from Aristophanes' Speech in Plato’s Symposium, the performance is a journey into the relationship between a couple as well as into the self, into the consciousness of the self and the conscious search for identity. The tension that is directed at the physical reunion of two bodies now divided in a perennial desire for reunification, a desire that animates the bodies as a relationship, be it emotional or otherwise, always presupposes a movement, an exchange, a move towards the other and, at the same time, a return, always in search of the self and of what is other than the self.
Concept, Choreography and Performance: Giovanni Leonarduzzi and Lia Claudia Latini
Dramaturgy: Claudio Cadario
Stage Design: Enzo Mologni
Lighting Design: Stefano Mazzanti
Costume Design: Lia Claudia Latini
Video: Francisco Santacruz Montes and Brendan Visscher Canarie
Music: Maurizio Cecatto and Dj Aron Shorty
Producer: Claudio Cadario
Co-production: Pan-Adria
Support: Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Lubiana